Spring Tutorials

Spring Tutorial

Introduction of Spring Framework

Advantages and Disadvantages of Spring Framework

Features of Spring Framework

Basic concept of Spring Framework

Architecture of Spring Framework

Modules of Spring Framework

Goal of Spring Framework

Create Application of Spring without any IDE

Create Application of Spring in Eclipse IDE

Create Application of Spring in MYEclipse IDE

Important JAR of Spring Framework

IOC container in Spring Framework

Bean and Applicationcontext container in Spring Framework

Example of Spring BeanFactory Container in Spring Framework

Example of Spring ApplicationContext Container in Spring Framework

Bean in Spring Framework

Lifecycle of Bean in Spring Framework

Scope of Bean in Spring Framework

Autowiring in Spring Framework

Dependency Injection in Spring Framework

Constructor-based Dependency Injection Example in Spring Framework

Setter-based Dependency Injection Example in Spring Framework

Introduction of AOP in Spring Framework

Core concept and Goal of AOP in Spring Framework

AOP Proxies in Spring framework

XML Schema Based AOP in Spring Framework

AOP Xml based Configuration Example in Spring Framework

Example of Declaring AOP Advices in Spring Framework

AOP AspectJ Annotation with Example in Spring Framework

Declaring an aspect and pointcut using Annotation in Spring Framework

Declaring AOP Advices using Annotation Example in Spring Framework

DAO support in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring JDBC Framework in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring JdbcTemplate in Spring Framework

Example of Spring JdbcTemplate class in Spring framework

Example of Executing SQL statements in Spring Framework

Example of Executing DDL statements in Spring Framework

SQL Stored Procedure in Spring Framework

Example of NamedParameterJdbcTemplate in Spring Framework

Example of RowMapperJdbcTemplate in Spring Framework

Introduction of ORM Framework in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with Hibernate in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with JPA in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) in Spring Framework

Example of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) in Spring framework

Example of Spring EL in XML and Annotation in Spring Framework

Language Reference with SpEL in Spring Framework

Operators in Spring Expression Language(SpEL) in Spring Framework

Variable in Spring Expression Language(SpEL) in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring Framework Transaction Management in Spring Framework

Spring Framework Transaction Abstraction

Spring Declarative Transaction Management in Spring Framework

Spring Programmatic Transaction Management in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring OXM (Object XML Mapping) in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with Jaxb Example in Spring framework

Example of Spring with Xstream in Spring Framework

Example of Spring with Castor in Spring Framework

Remote Method Invocation(RMI) in Spring Framework

Spring and RMI Integration with Example in Spring Framework

Example of Spring and Httpinvoker in Spring Framework

Example of Spring and Hessian in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with JMS in Spring Framework

Introduction of Webservice in Spring Framework

Spring Web Services in Spring Framework

Web Services with Jax-WS in Spring framework

Exposing and Exporting servlet-based Web Services using JAX-WS in Spring Framework

Accessing Web Services using JAX-WS in Spring Framework

Introduction of JMS in Spring Framework

JMS Messaging Models in Spring Framework

Using Spring JMS in Spring Framework

Sending and Receiving a Message Using JMS API in Spring Framework

Introduction of JMX (Java Management Extension) in Spring Framework

Integrating Beans with JMX in Spring Framework

Creating a MBeanServer in Spring Framework

Introduction Java Mail with Spring in Spring Framework

Example of Java Mail with spring in Spring Framework

Introduction of EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans) in Spring Framework

Introduction of EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans) Integration in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring With Struts 2 Example in Spring Framework

Spring MVC

Spring MVC

Remote Method Invocation(RMI) in Spring Framework
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Spring provides various ways to develop remote services. Remote services are services hosted on remote servers and accessed by clients over the network. For example, lets say you are developing a desktop application that needs to connect to a central server. The desktop application can be on various machines. you can use spring remoting to connect the clients on the desktop to the server.

Web services developed using JAX-WS can also be developed and integrated using Spring. Currently, Spring supports the following remoting technologies:

  1. RMI- Remote Method Invocation - Use RMI to invoke a remote method. The java objects are serialized.
  2. Hessian- Transfer binary data between the client and the server.
  3. Burlap- Transfer XML data between the client and the server. It is the XML alternative to Hessian.
  4. JAX-WS- Java XML API for Web Services.
  5. Spring’s HTTP invoker- Spring provides a special remoting strategy which allows for Java serialization via HTTP, supporting any Java interface . The corresponding support classes are HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean and HttpInvokerServiceExporter.
  6. JMS- Remoting using JMS as the underlying protocol is supported via the JmsInvokerServiceExporter and JmsInvokerProxyFactoryBean classes.
  7. AMQP- Remoting using AMQP as the underlying protocol is supported by the Spring AMQP project.
Spring RMI (Remote Method Invocation) WorkFlow

In this Topic we provide the Spring Remoting using RMI with workflow. Spring creates a proxy that represents the actual remote bean. The proxy is created using RmiProxyFactoryBean. The proxy can be used as a normal Spring bean and the client code does not need to know that it is actually calling a remote method.

The important classes org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory.RmiProxyFactoryBean. This class will be used by the client to create a proxy to connect to the remote service. This is a spring FactoryBean for creating RMI proxies. The proxied service is use a spring bean using the interface specified in the ServiceInterface property.

The Remote service URL can be specified by the serviceUrl property. org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter - This class will be used by the server to create a remote service. below diagram shows the process of RMI.

There are following steps to explain the diagram as follows:

  1. Client sends a message call.
  2. This message call is handled by an RMI Proxy created by RmiProxyFactoryBean.
  3. The RMI Proxy converts the call into a remote call over JRMP (Java Remote Method Protocol).
  4. The RMI Service Adapter created by RmiServiceExporter intercepts the remote call over JRMP.
  5. It forwards the method call to Service.
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