Insert in MySQL
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This command is use to insert the data into database according to the define manner or the sequence in which the table column is define in which we are inserting the data.

In the below SQL query we have "aid" which is a "FOREIGN KEY" from its corresponding table "studinfo" and we haven't define Null value, so its column value needs to insert in each row value insertion.


Tablename(col1, col2, col3) 
VALUES(val1, val2, val3)


INSERT INTO 				//insert values into studadr
studadr(said, aid, blck, hno, 
street, locatn, state, country)		//studadr is a tablename
VALUES (413,110,'f',40,'jhilmil',
'south','pune','Australia');		//ordering order is given


INSERT INTO 				//insert some values into studadr
studadr (aid, blck, hno, 
street, locatn, state, country)		//studadr is a tablename
VALUES (112,'s',410,

Note: In the above code we have skip "said" value ,which is AUTO_INCREMENT and PRIMARY KEY also. so the value we want to insert gives the column name along with its values


INSERT INTO 			//insert some values into studadr
studadr (aid, blck, hno, street, locatn, state)
VALUES (112,'s',410,'whashington','central','DC','America');

Note: In the above code we have left the country name whose DEFALUT value "India" is given which will come automaticaly.

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