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Day 1
Day 1: Introduction and brief history of C Programming language
Day 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of C, C Keywords, Data type modifiers in C
Day 1: Data types in C Programming language
Day 1: Secondary data types, Primitive and Non-primitive data types
Day 1: C Variables, C Constant, Format Specifiers in C
Day 2
Day 2: Flow of C program with example, main(), printf(), scanf()
Day 2: Operaters in C Programming language, Arithmetic operators
Day 2: Relational operators and Logical Operators in C Programming language
Day 2: Assignment, Increments and Decrement Operators in C Programming language
Arrays in C: Multidimensional Arrays
Function in C: Preprocessor and How to use functions
Accessing the members of Structure
Structure With typedef Keyword and Use of sizeof function
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