Why Java is not Pure Object Oriented Language
- Java is object oriented programming language but it is not pure Oops.
- These following features is used in language is pure oops
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- All predefined types are must objects.
- All operations are performed by sending message to objects.
- All user defined types must objects.
- These foolownig features is used in language is not pure oops.
- java is not oops because it supports primitive data type such as byte, int, short, long, char, float, double is used which are not objects.
- Java does not support multiple inheritance directly.
- Java supports static variables that are not the part of classes and objects.
Where and why Java is used
- Desktop application such as acrobat reader.
- Web application.
- Enterprise applications such as banking applications.
- Mobile.
- Embedded system.
- Games etc.
- Types of applications : There are four types of applications
- Standalone application: Standalone application is a computer program which run on our local computer. it is more or less like c or c++ program. it always contain main() method.
- Web application: An application that run on the web server side and creates dynamic page, is called as web application. Currently, servlet, jsp, struts etc. technologies are used for creating web applications in java.
- Enterprise application: An application that is distributed in nature, such as banking applications etc. It has the advantage of high level security, load balancing and clustering. In java, EJB is used for creating enterprise applications.
- Mobile application: An application that is created for mobile.
- Java is used because java is a platform independent language.