PHP Programing language

Strings in PHP
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A string is a combination of letters, numbers, special characters and arithmetic values or individuals. First of all, we have to create string like a variable. There are two procedure to use string in php:

  1. You can store string in a function.
  2. You can store string in a variable.

Example: (Sample example)

<title>strings in PHP</title>

$myString = "This is a string...";
echo "Hello World....!!!!<br/>";
echo $myString; 


Strings with Single Quotes & Double Quotes

Single Quotes: This is the simplest way to create strings. It works on server easier and faster. There is no need to read whole string.


<title>single quotes in PHP</title>

 $myString = 'Hello World....!!!!';
 echo 'This is a string<br/>' . $myString ;


Double Quotes: In Double Quotes, You can insert variables directly within the text of the string. The variables were automatically detected and concatenated with the text.


<title>double quotes in PHP</title>

 $myString = "Hello World....!!!!";
 $symbol = "@";
 echo "$myString<br/>";
 echo "This is Arun Kumar $symbol abc PVT. Ltd.";


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