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The Hyperlink Web server control is used to create a link to another Web page. The text in the HyperLink control is specified using the Text property. We can also display a image on this control instead of text.
These are the following properties of the Hyperlink control.

Text - The text to be shown for the link.
ImageUrl - gets\sets The image to be displayed in the hyperlink.
NavigateUrl - The URL to navigate to when the hyperlink is clicked.
Target - The target property allows us to set new page/content to be displayed in a new browser window, same window, etc. The values are as follows:
_blank: displays the linked content in a new window without frames.
_parent: displays the linked content in the immediate frameset parent.
_self: displays the linked content in the frame with focus.
_top: displays the linked content in the full window without frames.
ToolTip - ToolTip displayed when the mouse is over the control.

Right Click on Home

When you click On Hyperlink it will show home Page of website

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