WCF Examples


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WCF Project

Callback Connection Management
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The callback mechanism provides higher-level protocol for managing the connection between the service and the callback endpoint

Exapmle of Explicit callback connection management

[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMyContractCallback))]
interface IMyContract
void operation( );

void Connectoperation( );

void DisConnectoperation( );
interface IMyContractCallback
void OnCallback( );
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
class MyService : IMyContract
static List<IMyContractCallback> m_Callbacks = new List
	<IMyContractCallback>( );
public void Connectoperation( )
IMyContractCallback callback = OperationContext.Current.
GetCallbackChannel<IMyContractCallback>( );
if(m_Callbacks.Contains(callback) == false)
public void DisConnectoperation( )
IMyContractCallback callback = OperationContext.Current.
GetCallbackChannel<IMyContractCallback>( );
if(m_Callbacks.Contains(callback) == true)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find callback");
public static void CallClients( )
 Action<IMyContractCallback> invoke = delegate
	 (IMyContractCallback callback)
callback.OnCallback( );
public void operation( )
Duplex Factory

WCF also provides DuplexChannelFactory<T>, which can be used for setting up duplex proxies programmatically.

DuplexChannelFactory<T> is used as base class, ChannelFactory<T>, except its constructors expect either a callback instance or a callback context.

public class DuplexChannelFactory<T> : ChannelFactory<T>
   public DuplexChannelFactory(object callback);
   public DuplexChannelFactory(object callback,string EPName);
   public DuplexChannelFactory(InstanceContext context,string EPName);
   public T CreateChannel(InstanceContext context);
   public static T CreateChannel(object callback,string EPName);
   public static T CreateChannel(InstanceContext context,string EPName);
   public static T CreateChannel(object callback,Binding binding,
                                EndpointAddress EPAddress);
   public static T CreateChannel(InstanceContext context,Binding binding,
                                 EndpointAddress EPAddress);
   //More members
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