JavaXml Projects

JavaXml Project

JavaXml Examples


We can not use the SAX without DOM tru or not?
1. true
2. false
More interview questions and answers

XML stands for? a. eXtra Markup Language b. eXplore Markup Language c. eXpensive Markup Language d. eXtensible Markup Language

d.eXtensible Markup Language

Main purpose to design XML is? a. save and transport data b. how to reuse data c. to made connection b/w data d. how to use data

a. save and transport data 

XML is Case-Sensitive Language or not?

XML is an Case-Sensitive language. It supports only lower case letters. So, tags must be in Lower case letter in XML.   

Which one is correct? a. Write name here b. Write name here

b. Write name here
   Because XML is an Case-Sensitive language.So, It supports only lower case letters 

What is the stand form of DOM? 1. Document object model 2. Derect object Module 3. Document object Module 4. None


We can not use the SAX without DOM tru or not? 1. true 2. false


What is the stand form of SAX? 1. Simple Application of XML 2. Sample Application of XML 3. Simple Access of XML 4. None


What is the stand for XMLA? 1. Extangible markup language Analysis 2. Extangible marking language Analysis 3. External markup language Analysis 4. None


What is the stand form of XHTML? 1. Extangible Hyper Text Markup Language 2. Extangible Hybride Text Markup Language 3. External Hyper Text Markup Language 4. None


What is the stand form of the COM? 1. Component object Model 2. Common Object Model 3. Component object Module 4. None


XML support to the tree structure true or not? 1. True 2. False


Which one method is used for comment in XML? 1. // 2. ! 3.

We can not use the SAX without DOM tru or not? 1. true 2. false