Web Services

SOAP IN Web services

SOAP Tutorial

Elements of WSDL In WebServices
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WSDL is extensible that allow description of endpoints and their messages regardless of what the message formats is. Following are the elements of Web Service Description Language:

Message: The XML based definition in WSDL consists of message. It is an abstract definition of the data.


   <message name="HelloRequest">
      <part name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
   <message name="HelloResponse">
      <part name="john" type="xsd:string"/>

Binding: This element defines port type. It is also called a data format for definning the messages. This element describes how the web service is accessed over the network.


<definitions .... >
    <binding name="booktoken" type="book-name"> 
        <operation name="booktoken"> 
           <input name="booktoken"? > 
           <output name="booktoken"? >  
           <fault name="booktoken">

PortType: A set of operations supported by one or more endpoints.For example collections of operations for binding element or binding message, such as naming a method, message business process. These collections of operations are called as Interfaces.


<portType name="WebServiceInterface">
      <operation name="Add">
         <input message="y:AddOperation"/>
         <output message="y:ResponseOperation"/>
      <operation name="Multiply">
         <input message="y:MultiplyOperation"/>
         <output message="y:ResponseOperation"/>

Types: The types element contains data types that exchanged data between the client and the web service.


        xmlns:xs=        "http://www.indo.org/XMLSchema"
        targetNamespace= "http://go.com/ServicePage/schema"
        xmlns=           "http://go.com/ServicePage/schema">
		<xs:element name="Request"
          <xs:element  name="date" type="xs:date"/>
	  <xs:element name="Response" type="xs:string"/>
	  <xs:element name="DateError" type="xs:string"/>

Service: The service element contains a URL to the service. For example http://www.go.com/Hello/.


 xmlns:sch = "http://go.com/ServicePage/schema"
 targetNamespace= "http://go.com/ServicePage"
  xmlns:ns="http://example.org/origin/" >
  <service name="CoreJavaService">
       <port name="CoreJavaEndpoint" binding="y:CoreJavaSoapHttpBinding">
         <soap:address location="http://localhost/r4r.co.in"/>
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