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RDF In Web Services
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The abbreviation of Resource Description Framework is RDF . The Resource Description Framework is a framework for describing any Internet resources such as a Web site. RDF was created in 1999 as a standard for encoding metadata. One can think metadata here like at what date the web page is publish,who is the author of a web page. It is not correct to say that RDF is a language, it is actually a shell where one can create languages.

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for representing information and resources in the Web. RDF isn't strictly an XML format. RDF is a generally a method to decompose any type of knowledge into small pieces with some rules such as rules about the meaning of these pieces. The rules which are necessary to give meaning to pieces. These are as follows:

  1. Subject: The first part describe the resources is also called as subject.
  2. Predicate: The second part is the predicate indicates the kind of relationship.predicate is follow after subject.
  3. Object: The object represents something that is related to the subject through a relationship which is described by the predicate.
The above framework describe three RDF object types.
  1. Resources: RDF expressions are called resources. Resources here can be the web page such as html document. For example: "http://www.indo.org/neilson.html". Resources are named b URI (Uniform Resource Locator).
  2. Properties: A property can be an attribute(eg;alpha_beta gamma) or a relation that describe a resources. It also permits values to the resources attribute or the relation. Example is rdf.type.
  3. Statements: The property name, value and the resource is called as RDF statement. These three parts are subject, predicate and object. These parts have been discussed above.
RDF Application

RDF have several application that are as follows:

  • Smart Browsing and Related Links
  • Flash Panel
  • Enabling Inference
Advantages of RDF

Following advantages of RDF are given below:

  1. It is one way to identify data on a web pages.
  2. It gives a control over the designing process.
  3. It is used for data interchange on the Web.
  4. The effective use of metadata among applications improves the access of information.
Disadvantage of RDF
  1. Very hard to understand.
  2. RDF are not designed to be displayed on the web.
  3. High overhead are involved for developers.
  4. Certain data are not easily represented in RDF.
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