JSP Projects

JSP Project

JSP Objective Questions And Answers
More interview questions and answers

Which of the following is server side programming languages? 1.HTML 2.JavaScript 3.JSP 4.Sevlets A.1,2,3,4 B.1,2 C 3,4 D.None

C 3,4

What JSP stand for 1.Java Server Pages 2.Java Server Programming 3.Java Service Pages 4.Java Service Programming

1.Java Server Pages

What JSP is basically used today 1.To make controller 2.To make GUI 3.In writing business logic 4.Deprecated 5.None

2.To make GUI

We must have configure and map all jsp files into web.xml 1.YES 2.NO


JSP is part of BEA WebLogic? 1.Yes 2.No


JSP is part of Apache Tomcat? 1.Yes 2.No


JSP can run by 1.Apache Tomact 2.Bea WebLogic 3.Servlets 4.JSP Engine 5.ALL 6.None

1.Apache Tomact 
2.Bea WebLogic 
4.JSP Engine

IBM WebSphere is? 1. A full-featured Web Application Server 2 It provides supports to the Servlet and JSP 3. It includes pooled database access for DB2 and Oracle Relational Databases, 4. Prtovide support for EJB . Choose correct one A. 1,2,3,4 B. 2,3,4 C. 1,3,4 D. None

A. 1,2,3,4

Syntax of Scriptlet Element 1.<% code %> 2. <@jsp code %> 3. 4 <%jsp code %>

1.<% code %>

Three scripting elements of JSP 1.Scriptlets 2.Expressions 3.Declarations 4.None


Syntax of Declaration Element 1.<%! code !%> 2.<%! code %> 3. 4.<%jsp code !%>

2. <%! code %>

Syntax of comments 1 <%-- comment --%> 2. 3.<% // comment %> 4.<% /* comment */ %> 5.<% /** comment */ %>


Choose correct scopes into JSP:- 1.page, request, session, application 2.Page, response, session, application 3.Page, request, response, session 4.None

1.page, request, session, application

Choose JavaBean Actions:- 1.useBean 2.setProperty 3.getProperty 4.All 5.None


In which two attributes is necessary 1.id and scope 2.class or beanName. 3.type and id 4 None


class and id is necessary

Correct syntax of useBean Action 1. 2. 3. 4.


Correct syntax of setProperty Action 1. 2. 3 Both 4.None


In which two attributes is necessary 1.id and scope 2.class or beanName,name,property,value. 3.type and id 4.name and property 5.None

4.name and property

In which attributes are used 1.id and scope 2.type and id 3.file and flush 4 page and flush

4 page and flush 

Choose correct syntax to pass parameter into jsp include action 1. 2. 3. 4.All of the above. 5.None


Choose correct syntax for jsp forward action 1. 2. 3. 4.


Choose correct syntax for 1. 2. 3. 4.


Choose correct attributes for 1. code,align, archive,height, hspace, name, 2. nspluginurl, iepluginurl jrevision, type 3. vspace, title, and width A.1,2 ,3 B.1,3 C.Only 3 D.None


Choose correct syntax of directive 1.<%@ directive_name %> 2.<% directive_name %> 3.<%@ directive_name @%> 4.None

1.<%@ directive_name %>

Which are not directive? 1. Page 2. Include 3. Taglib 4. Srciptlet

4. Srciptlet

Which of following is not attributes of Page directive 1.session 2.language 3.isThreadSafe 4.info 5.name


Which of following is true by default? 1.session 2.language 3.isThreadSafe 4.info


Which of following is false by default? 1.session 2.language 3.isThreadSafe 4.info 5.None


Syntax of include directive 1.<%@ include file="footer.jsp" %> 2.<%@ include file="footer.jsp" parama=”” %> 3.<%@ include path="footer.jsp" %> 4.<%@ include url="footer.jsp" %>

1.<%@ include file="footer.jsp" %>

Choose correct for include directive 1. It allow dynamic include 2. Processed at Translation-time 3. Have HTTP Headers information 4. 2,3

4. 2,3 

Choose correct for include Action 1. It allow dynamic include 2. Processed at Translation-time 3. Have HTTP Headers information 4. 2,3

1. It allow dynamic include

Syntax of laglib directive 1.<%@ taglib uri="URL" prefix="name" %> 2.<%@taglib uri="URL" prefix="name" %> 3.<% @taglib uri="URL" prefix="name" %> 4.None

1.<%@ taglib uri="URL" prefix="name" %>

How you can make jsp page as error page 1.isErrorPage =”true” 2.isErrorPage =”false” 3.session=”true” 4.session=”false”

by setting 1.isErrorPage =”true” attribute of page directive.

isErrorPage attribute by default true 1.true 2.false
