PHP Programing language

Which type to Returning data from Functions
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You have got a simple function name adder that returns the sum of the two numbers passed to it. You might start writing adder like this:
function adder(operand_1,operand_2)
	$sum = $operand_1 + $operand_2;
Now you have got the sum in the variable named $sum, how do you return that value to the calling ode? you can use the PHP return statement:
function adder(operand_1,operand_2)
	$sum = $operand_1 + $operand_2;
	return $sum;
<title>Returning values from Function  </title>
<h1>Returning values from Function </h1>
echo "Passing 'How' 'are' 'things?' to connector...<br>";
echo "Getting this result:";
connector ("How","are","things?");
function connector()
$data = "";
$arguments = func_get_args();
for ($loop_index=0; $loop_index <func_num_args();
$data .= $arguments [$loop_index]." ";
echo $data;


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