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An array is a collection of elements, items or values of variable. It allow to hold more than one value to a single variable. It is a special data type to store the elements.
Creating an Array:
Array is created by using array() function. There are types of array creation:
- Indexed Array
- Associative Array
- Multidimentional Array
It is an array with a numeric index. Values are stored and accessed in indexed array linearly. By default array index starts from zero. There are two ways to represent indexed array as shown in example.
<html> <head> <title>indexed array in PHP</title> </head> <body> <?php //First way to represent indexed array. echo "First way to represent indexed array:<br/>"; $days = array("Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"); foreach($days as $value) { echo "Day is $value <br />"; } echo "<br/>"; //Second way to represent indexed array. echo "Second way to represent indexed array:<br/>"; $days[0] = "Monday"; $days[1] = "Tuesday"; $days[2] = "Wednesday"; $days[3] = "Thursday"; $days[4] = "Friday"; $days[5] = "Satday"; $days[6] = "Sunday"; foreach( $days as $value ) { echo "Day is $value <br />"; } ?> </body> </html>

It is an array which uses key. A key is associated with value. There are two ways to represent associative array as shown in example.
<html> <head> <title>associative array in PHP</title> </head> <body> <?php //First way to represent associative array. echo "First way to represent associative array:<br/>"; $days_week = array ("Mon"=>1,"Tues"=>2,"Wed"=>3,"Thurs"=>4,"Fri"=>5,"Sat"=>6,"Sun"=>7); echo "Day " .$days_week['Mon']." is Monday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Tues']." is Tuesday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Wed']." is Wednesday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Thurs']." is Thursday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Fri']." is Friday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Sat']." is Saturday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Sun']." is Sunday<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; //Second way to represent associative array. echo "Second way to represent indexed array:<br/>"; $days_week["Mon"] = 1; $days_week["Tues"] = 2; $days_week["Wed"] = 3; $days_week["Thurs"] = 4; $days_week["Fri"] = 5; $days_week["Sat"] = 6; $days_week["Sun"] = 7; echo "Day " .$days_week['Mon']." is Monday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Tues']." is Tuesday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Wed']." is Wednesday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Thurs']." is Thursday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Fri']." is Friday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Sat']." is Saturday<br/>"; echo "Day " .$days_week['Sun']." is Sunday<br/>"; ?> </body> </html>

It is an array which holds at least one array as a value. Values in the multi-dimensional array are accessed using multiple index.
<html> <head> <title>multidimensional array in PHP</title> </head> <body> <?php $marks = array( "Ankur" => array ( "MCA Iyr" => 790, "MCA IIyr" => 850, "MCA IIIyr" => 825 ), "Arsh" => array ( "MCA Iyr" => 765, "MCA IIyr" => 810, "MCA IIIyr" => 799 ), "Deepak" => array ( "MCA Iyr" => 786, "MCA IIyr" => 835, "MCA IIIyr" => 830 ) ); /* Accessing multi-dimensional array values */ echo "Marks for Ankur in MCA IIyear : " ; echo $marks['Ankur']['MCA IIyr'] . "<br />"; echo "Marks for Arsh in MCA Iyear : "; echo $marks['Arsh']['MCA Iyr'] . "<br />"; echo "Marks for Deepak in MCA IIIyear : " ; echo $marks['Deepak']['MCA IIIyr'] . "<br />"; ?> </body> </html>

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