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programming in sql provides various functionalities are /p>
- Batches
- Variables
- Printing Messages
- Comments
- Control-of-flow statements
- Batches are groups of SQL statement submitted together to SQL Server for execution
- A batch is parsed
- A batch is optimized
- A batch is compiled/li>
- A batch is executed
- SQL server compiled the statements of a batch into a single unit called an execution plane
- The statement in the execution plane are then executed one at a time
- There is any error in a batch, no statement in the batch is executed
- You cannot bind rules and defaults to columns and use them in the same batch
- You can not define and use the CHECK constraints in the same batch
- You can not drop object and recreate them in the same batch
- you cannot alter a table and reference the new column in the same batch
Variable used to store a temporary value. We can declare and assign a value to a variable, declared a variable by using DECLARE statement.
DECLARE @variable_name data_type
The @ symbol before the variable name. This symbol is required and is used by the query processor to identify variable.
DECLARE @empID int SELECT @empID=max(emp_id) FROM employee SELECT new_empID=@empID
In the first line DECLARE keyword declare a variable empID of int type, and in second line the maximum value of emp_id attributes from employee table stored in the empID variable
Global Variables: Global variable are system-supplied and predefined. These variables are distinguished from local variables by having two @ signs preceding their names
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