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This control provides a user interface that indicates to user that a control on a form has error associated with it. In other had it works as validation upon the controls to handle the error causes by inputting wrong by user.
Drag this control as shown in below picture
Adding error provider control on textbox for blank not allow
Write this code on textbox validating event
Output will shown in below picture if user leave name blank.
Private Sub TextBox1_Validating(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Validating ValidateName() End Sub Private Function ValidateName() As Boolean Dim bStatus As Boolean = True If textBox1.Text = "" Then errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, "Please enter your Name") bStatus = False Else errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, "") End If Return bStatus End Function
Validating for age. For validating age i have covered three conditions for validate
- If user leave this blank.
- If entered age is less than 18.
- If user input character value in place of numeric.
Write this code on Textbox2 validating Event
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged ValidateAge() End Sub Private Function ValidateAge() As Boolean Dim bStatus As Boolean = True If textBox2.Text = "" Then errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "Please enter your Age") bStatus = False Else errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "") Try Dim temp As Integer = Integer.Parse(textBox2.Text) errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "") If temp < 18 Then errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "You must be atleast 18 years old to setup a test") bStatus = False Else errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "") End If Catch errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "Please enter your age as a number") bStatus = False End Try End If Return bStatus End Function
Output of this error provider is shown below
Using error provider control on DatetimePicker Control
If user select weekend day for test then he will get error message- Like shown in below picture
Private Sub DateTimePicker1_Validating(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles DateTimePicker1.Validating ValidateTestDate() End Sub Private Function ValidateTestDate() As Boolean Dim bStatus As Boolean = True If (dateTimePicker1.Value.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday) OrElse (dateTimePicker1.Value.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday) Then errorProvider1.SetError(dateTimePicker1, "Appointment cannot be scheduled in the weekend. Please select a weekday") bStatus = False Else errorProvider1.SetError(dateTimePicker1, "") End If Return bStatus End Function
Write above code on DatetimePicker Validating Event.
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