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Web of Services refers to message-based which is frequently found on the Web and in enterprise software or in business services. There are a variety of specifications associated with web services. Besides using only web services, these services require a common language for the data exchanged and this language is called as XML.
SOAP and WSDL were introduced as standards to facilitate communication and data exchange between different systems. The UDDI specification in web services is define as platform-independent standard that enable business to share message over the Internet.
Protocol: To deliver message or any sort of information. we need protocol such as HTTP, HTTPS or SOAP. Protocol is a a set of rules acording to which messages are delivered from application to application. To communication process between system to system.
Transport: For managing the tranfer of messages on the internet or the services that are deployed over the internet we use the Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP) is used for building application protocols.
Message: These messaging standards and specifications gives a framework for exchanging information in a distributed environment. In message specification we use protocol SOAP, SOAP 1.2(specification), REST.
Service Description: Web services are meaningful only if potential users may find information sufficient so that their information could be executed. In an environment of Web services description machine readable interfaces for accessing the data are defined. Service Description provide some protocol. UDDI 3.0, WSDL 1.1, WSDL 2.0 enable service descriptions.
Security: Transferring data from one domain to another domain needs a secure transaction. XML Signature are key to XML security. To manage a secure connection we can use standard specifications like Web Service Security 1.0, Web Services Provisioning, WS-Federation: Active Requester Profile.
Management: Web services manageability is defined as a set of capabilities for discovering the availability, performance as well as the configuration of a web service within the web services architecture. To enable this standard we need to use standard specifications such as Web Services Service Registry, Web Services Distributed Management.
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