Javascript language

Creating a Animated frame
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How to Creating a Animated frame

Step 1. Written below code in your application.

<body onload="changeOneFrame()">
<script language="javascript">
var newWin ='', 'f', 'width=400,height=400');
newWin.document.write('<frameset rows="50%,50%" cols="50%,50%">');
newWin.document.write('<frame name="f1" src="about:blank">');
newWin.document.write('<frame name="f2" src="about:blank">');
newWin.document.write('<frame name="f3" src="about:blank">');
newWin.document.write('<frame name="f4" src="about:blank">');
colors = new Array("red","green","blue","yellow","white");
windows = new Array(newWin.f1, newWin.f2, newWin.f4, newWin.f3);
var c = 0, f = 0;
var timeout = null;
function changeOneFrame()
    windows[f].document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR="' + colors[c] + '">');
    f = (f + 1) % 4;
    c = (c + 1) % 5;
    timeout = setTimeout("changeOneFrame()", 250);
<input type="button" value="Stop" 
onclick="if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); if (!n.closed) n.close();" />

Step 2. Run the Application.

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