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How to use Image Upload control in JavaScript
Step 1. Written below code in your application.
<html> <script language="javascript"> var maxWidth=100; var maxHeight=100; var fileTypes=["bmp","gif","png","jpg","jpeg"]; var outImage="previewField"; var defaultPic="spacer.gif"; function preview(what){ var source=what.value; var ext=source.substring(source.lastIndexOf(".")+1,source.length).toLowerCase(); for (var i=0; i<fileTypes.length; i++) if (fileTypes[i]==ext) break; globalPic=new Image(); if (i<fileTypes.length) globalPic.src=source; else { globalPic.src=defaultPic; alert("That is not avalid image\nPlease load an image with an extention of one of the following:\n\n"+fileTypes.join(", ")); } setTimeout("apply_changed()",200); } var globalPic; function apply_changed(){ var field=document.getElementById(outImage); var x=parseInt(globalPic.width); var y=parseInt(globalPic.height); if (x>maxWidth) { y*=maxWidth/x; x=maxWidth; } if (y>maxHeight) { x*=maxHeight/y; y=maxHeight; }<1 || y<1)?"none":""; field.src=globalPic.src; field.width=x; field.height=y; } </script> <body> <input type="file" id="picField" onchange="preview(this)"> </body> </html>
Step 2. Run the Application. Click on Button.
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